How far can you throw a laptop before serious damage occurs?
I suspected that when I took my love of writing to the blogging world that there might be a few mountains for me to climb, but little did I know that Mt. Everest would be just one click away. I am not, I repeat, I am NOT a computer savvy person by any stretch of the imagination. My computer knowledge doesn't go much further than Ctrl-Alt-Delete, but that actually has gotten me out of more than a few "situations". My two year old grandson can find things on my phone or iPad way faster than I ever could. Do you get the picture? The struggle is real.
Give me a pen and paper any day. That is my happy place. I love to journal. I love scrapbook paper. When I combine those two loves, I am ecstatically happy. It only made sense to me that blogging would be the next logical progression and would be something that soothed my soul. Please pass the Xanax.
So it seems that getting a blog "out there" is way more complicated than my comfort level can handle. I'm pretty sure I have joined Twitter, but it's really still a big huge mystery to me and I don't have the slightest idea how to get my blog "out there" using this avenue. Instagram is also a total mystery; I wouldn't begin to know where to start. Facebook is still sometimes a big stretch for my dinosaur social media skills. (I love Pinterest but I don't think you can blog on Pinterest, right?)
And then there's Google.
I tried, I really really tried last night to link my blog to Google; this was a recommendation that popped up on my blog page. There are SEVENTEEN steps involved to do this magical linkage, and those steps might as well have been written in Chinese. 99.9% of those steps use acronyms that make no sense to me whatsoever. Most of my two hour exercise in futility was spent looking up those annoying acronyms; and then I'd have to look up what the words meant. If you mess up at any given point, you have to turn around and go back to step one. And somewhere along the way I discovered that there is a charge for this. (Of course there's a charge! Why wouldn't there be??) I needed someone to show me what to do. I needed someone to talk to. I didn't know what I was doing. It was a totally new experience that left me frustrated, mad, sad, and most of all, defeated. All I want to do is write some words that might somehow be a blessing to someone along the way; are we really supposed to have to struggle this hard with trying to do the right thing? (Yes, I think I know that answer.) If only there had been someone to help.
I'm beginning to sound like a big ol' crybaby, aren't I? I need to refocus. Or reboot.
I kept thinking while going through this beyond frustrating experience how very thankful I am that I didn't have to go through SEVENTEEN mind-numbing steps to link me to Jesus Christ. No acronyms. No hidden fee. (That fee, my friend, was paid on Calvary!) I ALWAYS have someone to show me what to do. I ALWAYS have someone to talk to. I ALWAYS have someone to help me, whatever the situation. While my linkage attempt with Google left me frustrated, mad, sad and defeated, my linkage with Jesus Christ is the exact opposite.
Ctrl-Alt-Delete is a way to reboot, and just maybe that's what we need to be thinking about doing - reboot our old ways that aren't getting us where we need to be. Reboot our frustrations and hurts and insecurities and start anew with Jesus Christ.
There is a song I love with the phrase, "Morning by morning new mercies I see." Let's try not to carry our worries and fears and frustrations into each new day. We need those new mercies; our souls yearn for those new mercies. What does your morning hold for you?
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided— Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!